Tuesday, September 25, 2012


we are getting rid of internet, netflix, and hulu plus in an effort to get a handle on our finances.  Time to only have the necessities.  You may only here from me once in a blue moon.  I'm hoping I can leach internet from an outside source around here.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Ren Fest 2012

As with the State Fair, I believe we have learned that these activities are fun with Jolynn, but we need our adult time too.  To experience everything through her eyes, the excitement; but it also nice to have the adult time to enjoy the adult parts of the day.  At the fair it was the buildings.  At Ren Fest it was the shops.  There was no way I was taking Jolynn in any of the highly breakable shops.  I just wanted to look around, NOT HAPPENING.  So we did the Jolynn thing.  We ate our turkey leg and cheese curds.  I was going to do the beer tasting but forgot my license in the car.  If I would have known better I would have taken the free shuttle back to the car and been back in time to still drink.  Next year I will remember EVERYTHING.  Last year I forgot cash for the food booths.  This year was the license.  Next year will be perfect.haha.  In the years that I have gone to the Renaissance Festival I have watched the shows and played a few games (archery or throwing knives).  I wander the stores and have fun looking at all the costumes.  Last year I finally made my own costume.  Since losing 40 lbs it doesn't quite fit the same.  A little loose and I was able to synch the bodice all the way closed.  All good things, but it took a long time for me to make that costume!

Like I said, this year was about Jolynn basically.  We tried to watch the jousting event but there were a slew of bees and we didn't want to stick around.  Jolynn saw kids getting rides on the horses and wanted to go.  So we did.
a little scared of the big horse

coming back down so WE can ride the next horse together.

here we go!

waving to daddy

 After riding the horse, she noticed a MUCH bigger animal next to it that was giving rides too.  Of course we HAD to ride an ELEPHANT!  I tell you this was all she talked about when people asked her about Ren Fest.

Ellsa's Birthday

We've made some new friends through the Desvousges, Cara and Josh Borggren.  They have 3 beautiful daughters.  Their youngest just turned one.  We were invited to her birthday party.  I think Jolynn had fun.  She definitely didn't want to leave her new friends.
ready for the party!

the traditional "get all the kids together" photo

I LOVE this photo. Of course she didn't know I was taking a picture, probably why it turned out so cute.

running back up the hill to roll down.

trying to roll down the hill

rollin' rollin' rollin'

Monday, September 3, 2012

Jon's birthday

Jon had more of a birthday week than a birthDAY.  It started Wednesday with Benihana.  My mom watched Jolynn while we went out for his free $30 worth of food.  I remember us going there and eating everything they served plus we got a couple sushi rolls.  Now I eat that and then the main meal comes and I have to box the whole thing.  Jon did convince me to change my normal surf and turf to Yakisoba (with chicken).  Granted I didn't eat it until almost a week later - it still tasted awesome.  Definitely getting that again.

Thursday was Jon's actual birthday - FOGO DAY!.  We took the day off.  Around 11:30 we headed over to the Desvousges'.  Margaret rode with Jason.  She's not much for Fogo so she agreed to watch all the kids so Erin and Richard could come with.  It was a great lunch. I've gotten into making cake pops.  This was my second try at it.  I can get the cake part right, the frosting was what I needed to work on.  These turned out great.  I asked Jon what his favorite color was, which I knew, and not thinking about what I was applying it to.  So Jon has blue balls for dessert.

Friday was the State Fair with the Moritz clan.  We did our traditional stop to get Jolynn's hand casted.  (picture to be inserted later).  We hit up our normal fair food - curds, corn on the cob, fried pickles, the milk stand, malt from the milk booth, corn dogs, foot long hot dog.  Jon tried the bacon ice cream.  I really couldn't taste the bacon all that much.  Jon also went for the Poutine - fries, cheese curds (not fried), covered in gravy.  In line for the Poutine was the grandfather of hockey Lou Nanne.  Jon felt like a bit of a rube for not saying anything to him.  I have no idea who he is - anyone in the sports world does however.  Many older generations would be surprised that Jon did.  See more on the State Fair here.

State Fair 2012

Another year at the fair has come and gone.  We only thought we were going for one day this year.  Jolynn and I ended up going twice.  We went on Friday with Jon, Mike and Margaret, then again on Monday with my mom.  Friday was once again, all about the food.  Our first stop was getting Jolynn's hand casted.  She did really well.  No fist this year.  I wanted her to do the age with her fingers, so we were trying really hard to do bunny ears with her fingers.  Didn't happen.  She ended up with a high-five looking cast.  (picture later)

We did the normal fair food - corn dog, foot long hot dog, fried cheese curds, mini donuts, corn on the cob, Chicago Style Hot Dog, pretzel, funnel cake, $1 milk, malt from Milk Booth, and fried pickles.  We tried two new foods this year - bacon ice cream and Poutine.  Both were nothing to rave about.  A new food for us but not for the fair was a Philly Cheesesteak.  Now this was something that will definitely become a new staple fair food for us.

In past year's Jolynn was so young that she basically was confined to her stroller.  Not this year.  I can see that there will be two days of fair for me in the future.  One with and one without Jolynn. The first day I didn't even go in any buildings.  So I thought Monday would be the day for me to hit all the buildings and merchandise areas.  Ha, right!  The only reason I was able to get a glimpse of the Grandstand shops was because my mom kept Jolynn busy looking at the DNR fishery.  Both days were spent doing fun things with Jolynn.  It was fun seeing her enjoy all the different things to see and do and she is such a people person that she would make "friends" at every location.  She would be so sad with they or us had to go.  "where my friends go" she would say.

I also noticed that being there at night is a whole new experience.  I really enjoyed walking around when it wasn't steaming hot with the sun beating down on you.  People also seemed to move differently than during the day, more cautious about where they were going (maybe because of the darkness).  Jon pointed out that there were no strollers (double or triple wide) and no motorized carts.  The old people and kiddos have gone to bed.

On Friday, Mike and Margaret took Jolynn back with them from the fair.  Jon stayed with me to catch the Wilson Philips free concert.  We got our seats at 6pm.  The show didn't start until 8:30pm.  It was a good thing we did though - there had to be close to 6,000 people there.  Only 2,000 seats were available, so that makes for a lot of people standing room only.  It was an awesome concert.  Jon told me to stop at Target the next day and purchase their new CD - Dedicated.  After the concert we took the bus back to Oakdale.

We weren't going to go on Monday.  Mike and Margaret were going to go but decided to go to the casino instead.  They asked if we wanted their tickets.  I thought my parents were going on Monday so I took M&M's tickets.  Well Monday came and Bumby hurt his back while up north, so just my mom, Jolynn and I went.  I thought this being my second trip that I would get to go in the buildings.  Not happening.  It was an all Jolynn day again.  Rides at Kiddie Park, playing in the bubbles at the Mr. Bubble booth, dancing to music played on free stages.  Luckily my mom was with so I was able to take a quick run through some buildings.

Here a few pictures from the two days - there are more on Facebook. (FYI-there are more pictures from day 2 than 1 because my phone died 2 songs into the concert and my phone died shortly after the ride pictures.)
Day 2: Merry-go-round with mommy

Day 2: Nascar ride

Day 2: 4 wheeler ride

Day 2: the whale ride with bubbles (she had to do this one again)

Day 2: Ferris Wheel by HERSELF

Day 2: driving a tractor

Day 2: foam bubble area (missed on first day)

Day 1: Grandma walking with Jolynn to Farm Hands

Day 1: had to be shorter than 4 chickens high.

Day 1: my goofy girl loving the ferris wheel and being up high.

Day 2: more of the foam Mr. Bubble pit.

Day 2: big sand box

Thursday, August 23, 2012

A Two Year Old

We are a month into being a two year old.  There was a night where Jolynn spent the night at the Desvousges house.  It was spur of the moment, Erin was going to babysit the following day so we just decided to leave Jolynn there Thursday night.  Well, we didn't bring any sleeping stuff with us - including her BLANKEY.  She didn't ask for it and slept fine without it.  So we didn't mention it the next night and she didn't either.  Then the next, and the next.  We are up to 2 weeks now since she has had it and I think it is over.  She switched briefly to sucking her fingers, which I was okay with because it was easier to wash her hands than wash that stinky blanket.

The Potty Training Train has pretty much left the station.  She has not shown any interest in trying to go on the potty, wear underpants, or even wear the pull ups.  I'm okay with this, because I want HER to be ready as much as us.  I'm not going to force the issue.  We still ask all the time, before bed and when she wakes up.  She still has no interest.  The only time she has shown interest is when she sees an older child (not an adult) going too.  If Shirley needs to go, so does Jolynn.  If the older girl at daycare has to go, so does Jolynn.

Jolynn's vocabulary has grown significantly in the last month.  Almost putting sentences (although choppy) together.  Singing songs to the point where you can recognize what she is singing.  And the politeness scale is off the charts.  Please, thank you, bless you (didn't see that one coming when I sneezed!).  She can go into the fridge and get what she wants if you put it on the lower shelf where she can reach.  We put her milk there so she can get and put away her milk whenever she wants it.  She also helps clean up by putting her dishes in the sink.  We are still working on picking up toys on command.  She does well helping you clean them up, but not so good at picking them up by herself.

We went through a few weeks of sleeping in our bed at night.  We were having monster issues in her room.  It's not that she takes up a ton of room, but it is much nicer knowing you can spread out and not smother your child accidentally.  So Jon and I have traded off nights putting her to bed now.  We're down to 30-45 min to get her to sleep.  Jon is really good at this and I couldn't figure out what he was doing that worked so well.  He is consistent and firm.  He sits in the rocking chair which he moved right next to her bed.  She has to lay in her bed while he reads a few books.  When she starts to yawn and say "me tired too", that's when we know she's ready for sleeping.  We turn off the lights but stay next to her bed until she is completely asleep. We also purchased a Dora night light that shines a picture of Dora on the ceiling.  All of these steps seem to be working.  We (I) just have to keep it up.

There's our monthly update (as far as Jolynn is concerned).  I will try to post more about the goings on this month.  It has been a busy summer and I just haven't had the time to blog about everything, let alone take pictures of everything to go along with the posts.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

2 Years Old!

My baby is a toddler.  So starts the week of celebrations.  Tonight we went to the Lifetouch family picnic.  She danced, played basketball, and ran all over.  Today she will go to Chucky Cheese with Grandma and Grandpa Benson because they can't make it to her birthday party on Saturday.  She has her 2 year check up on Friday.  Then after her birthday party on Saturday we are going to visit my dad again in Luck, WI.

Again, she amazes me every morning.  She is almost forming sentences.  She does somersaults.  She loves to jump.  She is a daredevil.  We've started swimming at Grandma and Grandpa Moritz's.  I'm pretty sure she's going to turn into a fish.

 I've become very bad at taking photos with an actual camera.  Most are taken on my phone and posted straight to Facebook.  These are the latest photos taken with an actual camera.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Tent City-Memorial Weekend 2012

just arriving at the campground
hiding out in the tent during the rain

Listening to music by the fire and eating chili
Our first tent camping experience was a success!  Jolynn was such a great camper.  I was all prepared to be there one night because I thought for sure she wouldn't sleep well.  She did better than that.  She slept through a crazy storm with thunder and lightening!  She also napped through kids, trucks, and dogs passing by.  The mosquitoes weren't bad, but they still found the sweet nectar of Jolynn.  She is just like me in that when bit she just swells up, poor girl.  It was a bit too cool to do any swimming.  She was able to see lots of bugs, helping gather wood for fires, and danced to music around the campfire.  She was a big hit with everyone there.  She played soccer with some kids and we went for lots of walks, usually ending up in a strangers campsite (she saw other kids and had to say hi).
found a caterpillar on mom's shoe
helping gather wood for fire

Jolynn's Florida vacation

I'm a little behind in my postings.  While I was at BOW Jolynn stayed with Grandpa Moritz.  I returned late Sunday night, Sunday morning she was already on a plane with Grandpa on her way to Florida.  That's right, Grandpa took her by HIMSELF.  What a trooper.  They both did awesome.  I didn't get many photos from them, but they called every night so she could say good night to us.  Grandma Moritz was there too, for work.  So the days were spent poolside with Grandpa and then after work she played with Grandma.  I'm pretty sure Jolynn had lots of fun and didn't miss us at all.  For the next 3 days she was home she would wake up in the morning and call out for Gampa.

That was probably her last free flight.  Before the age of 2 she has flown 3 times - all times at least one direction was in first class.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

23 Months

the months have been going by so fast I forget to track everything that happens.  Potty training is still going slowly.  I don't want to rush things.  No need getting her upset or myself.  She's not even two.  She goes when she goes and we try and do the every 20 min thing, but most of the time she just says she doesn't have to go.  We even tried regular underwear one day.  She thought she was hot stuff!  Strutted around in her little tighty whities.  Only one accident while wearing the underwear (poop at Grandma/pa Moritz's).

You can call her Miss Independent.  She puts her dishes in the sink, garbage in the can, if you help her she will pick up her toys (that's not quite on her own yet, but should be),  Jon also taught her to open the fridge, so now she gets her own snacks and milk if we put it on the first shelf.

The big girl bed is going well.  She generally doesn't get out once she is put to bed.  We've had some doosy storms here lately and some she sleeps right through, others she ends up in bed with us.  I love my snuggle time.  We've gotten used to her being between us so it doesn't bother us as much as it used to.

this past month she went with Grandpa and Grandma Moritz to Florida.  See different post for details.

The end of last month she had her first tent camping experience.  See different post for details.

Family celebrations for the July and August birthdays will be at the annual Moritz 4th of July party (held July 7th this year).  Invitations are about to go out for her 2nd birthday party!  Little smaller this time - just close friends.  It will be at the Oakdale Moritz house - food, friends, and pool fun!

Friday, May 18, 2012

22 months

CRAZY! I've stopped saying how many months Jolynn is when people ask.  I just say almost two.  I have to watch myself when I do things with her or tell her to do something, expecting that she will be able to do it.  She acts older than I think so I often have to remind myself that she isn't even 2 yet.  Like with potty training.  We have been letting her take the reigns on this one.  I didn't want to push it and everyone has told me that she is pretty young for it anyway.  This last week she has been going before bed and when she wakes up.  The other day she went 4 times on the big toilet.  At daycare, Mary was able to get her to go once also.  We are pretty busy the next 3 weekends, so full blown potty training isn't going to start until mid June.  I'm pretty sure she will be fully trained (fingers crossed) before she is 2.  My mom and I went shopping and she bought training pants - the kind that are like underwear but thicker (more absorbent than regular underwear).  Jolynn gets very excited when she doesn't have to wear a diaper.

Other than potty training, there hasn't been any big news.  She talks ALL.THE.TIME. And loves to sing and dance.  Choppy sentences are starting to form.

Here are a few photos from a recent session through my work (Lifetouch).

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

21 Months

Today Jolynn is 21 months.  I just happened to notice it was the 18th.  I just can't believe how time is just flying by.  3 more months and my baby will be 2.  I don't think you heard me...TWO!

Sentences are starting to form.  Bubbles Pop means: blow bubbles, I want to pop them.
Her manners have also formed this past week.  I have to give the credit to daycare.  We do use it a lot in our home, but I think it is emphasized more at daycare.  She now says Thank you for EVERYTHING.  We reply with you're welcome.

Potty training hasn't gone full force yet.  We toy with it here and there.  I let her run around for a while with out a diaper.  She can say diaper too.  However, everything is poopy.  If she goes potty, she says poopy.  If she farts, she says poopy.  When I do finally buckle down and do the training deal, I wish I could have a veteran with me.  Someone who knows the ropes and can anticipate the action (eliminating some accidents hopefully).

My mom recently posted a photo on Facebook of me when I was 2 years old.  I weighed 23 pounds and was 33 inches.  Not a far cry from Jolynn.  Gee, I wonder who she is taking after. :)

Monday, March 26, 2012

20 months

Wow, bad mommy. Time just flew by between 19 and 20. Somewhere around 20 months, maybe a week or two later, Jolynn just started repeating everything you say. I stopped counting how many words she knows. She doesn't repeat many on a regular basis, but if you say "say this..." she will repeat it. So cute the way it comes out sometimes. And now we REALLY have to watch what we say.

She is so adventurous. She loves to be outside. March has been a crazy month for weather. We had a week of 70+ and then a couple 80 degree days. All she wanted to do was be outside the whole time. One day we spent 3 hours outside, then went in for a nap and she slept for 4 hours!

Jolynn has also been going to Grandma and Grandpa's a lot lately. She spent a night with my parents, then a whole weekend with Jon's. She will be with them again for the whole weekend coming up. I feel a little guilty shipping her off for such long periods of time. I know how hard it is to get up every morning and constantly be moving until she goes to bed. Then wanting to go to bed yourself but you have things to do yourself. I'm sure they love having her, but at the same time what a relief that it is temporary.

This month we took Jolynn to a studio to try out for a modeling agency. Her pictures were gorgeous. It was so hard to choose so M&M ended up buying the CD. I'm so glad they did because the photos truly look like a model. Unfortunately she did not win the modeling gig. Since Jon's aunt is in modeling I thought of asking her how to get Jolynn in the biz. Not sure I want to take that on either.

We have hit the almost terrible twos. One of the reasons I don't exactly want to get in the modeling biz yet. One minute she is up and happy and the next she is crying and sprawled on the floor. Nothing a nap doesn't cure however. Her behavior is so like me. If I'm hungry or tired my mood is exaggerated.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

19 months

Part of last month and into this month we experienced our first health scare. We both had been sick for weeks. I took Jolynn in the morning of our game night and they said she had a slight ear infection. She was put on amoxicillin. She was on it for 7 days when all the sudden she developed a rash around her midsection. We called the on-call doctor and she said to stop giving her the medicine. Not knowing if her ears had cleared up, we took her back to the doctor on Monday. This doctor said her ears were not quite cleared up yet and it sounded like she had bronchitis. The doctor also marked her down for being allergic to penicillin. She was put on two different medications, one for the ears and a steroid for the bronchitis. A week later I brought her back to check on the ears. Everything was cleared up. Her cough and runny nose were still causing her to not sleep, so the doctor gave us a sample of Nasonex. That did the trick! Her nose cleared up within 5 days.

She has actually known her body parts for a month or so, but now she is starting to say the parts. She says eyes and arm. She even knows where her knees are. She sticks out her tongue when asked where that is. I think one of the first parts she knew was nose and belly.

New words: arm, big girl, Avery (friend at daycare), Mary (daycare lady), wawa (water), party, Jon. There have been many times that we think we hear her say something and can't get her to say it again. I also have not been as diligent in adding them to the draft during the month.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Potty Time!

I was cleaning dishes and Jolynn made her normal pooping sounds (grunting). I thought maybe I could catch her before she actually did the duty and get her on the potty chair. We missed the chair, I ended up showing her the poop goes in the toilet. Then I sat her on the chair to try and go potty. The training book said to have her go when you go. So (TMI) , as I was going I told her to sit and go potty too. She got up and started walking toward the door. Butt naked (literally) I worried she would go while I was still occupied. Without me saying a word she came back, sat down, and went PEE! Really truly! Not the caught her midstream kind, this was actual pee pee on the potty!

Okay, maybe I'm a bit more excited than I should be. This seemed like such a huge deal. I wanted to sing and dance. Jolynn just wanted to touch it. (don't worry mom, I didn't let her). Jon was outside shoveling so I didn't dump it out so he could enjoy the excitement too. He did a bit of cheering when he came in and we told him, but still not as excited as I was when it actually happened.

Now I have to get brave enough to just let her run naked around the house so we can get her constantly going on the potty. I'm thinking she may be ready. She still doesn't say "yes", but she says potty. The fact that she turned around and came back to the potty chair instead of just peeing next to the door has to be a sign of readiness.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

18 months

ONE and a HALF! Our little girl is growing so much. She is walking like crazy, almost running. We rearranged the entryway because she is doing the steps now. She does them pretty well, but just in case this way she doesn't land on anything at the bottom.

We haven't used the monitor in a long time. I decided to see what she does when we put her down for a nap. I wish the monitor recorded. She was playing with the metal flowers on the wall, running circles in her crib, then at one point she had half her body over the railing. The crib is already at its lowest, next stage is toddler bed. We thought it better for her to fall out of the toddler bed than flipping over the top of the rail. We weren't able to get her to take a nap in it right away - she ended up taking it in our bed. She is great at getting in and out of it, and when she gets in she lays down and says "nigh nigh" but doesn't stay in the bed.

We tried the BabyCenter approach at nap time. We laid her down and said it was time for a nap. Shut the door. Jon stayed on the monitor while I stood next to the door. He would tell me "she's out of bed" and "she's at the door". Then I would walk her back to bed in silence and no eye contact. We did this about 8 times. She thought it was a game. So the last time I shut the door so it clicked (meaning she couldn't open it herself). She ended up falling asleep next to the door. I came in an hour later and had to gently keep opening the door little by little. Bedtime went a lot better. She gave us the cue when she laid down on the floor. We did our kisses for everyone (including Polly). Then I laid her down and left the room. She cried for a while next to the door. I sent Jon in this time. He put her in bed and she didn't get up. It has been this way for a week now. Once in bed and she pretty much gets it. She cries for a while, but she doesn't get out of bed.

Another milestone - potty training. We are taking it VERY slow. I have a potty chair. We started by having her investigate the whole thing. She took it all apart. Then we had her sit on it with her clothes on. I have her come in with me when I go and she sits on her chair (clothes on still). Before we get ready for bed and change her diaper one last time we sit on the chair naked. I let her run around the bathroom naked (easy cleanup if necessary). Every once in a while asking her if she has to go potty. When I ask she comes back to the chair and sits down. She took some toilet paper and I asked her what she does with it, she proceeded to wipe herself. I think she knows the concept, just not sure she knows about being wet vs. dry. When I have a weekend of no activities and not being sick, we will have to try the 3 day method.

(This is not the chair Jolynn has, but I thought it interesting when I Googled Potty Chair how many different styles there were and how they have evolved. I think this is the model I had when I was getting trained. Just a bucket under a chair with a hole. The bucket slid out and you dumped in the the toilet.)

New words: Uppee, Yummy, Potty, Baba (Grandpa Benson), mine, me

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Happy 2012!

We went to my parent's cabin for the weekend. Jon has never been up there, and Jolynn and I haven't since Memorial weekend. My mom warned me that there was 3 inches of snow up there and that the cabin would take about 2 hours to warm up. Pishaw I said! 3 inches is probably 1 1/2 by now, and the cabin will not be that cold because it hasn't been that cold here. Um, no. There really was 3 inches and I forgot mine and Jon's boots. The cabin wasn't too bad. It warmed up pretty quickly and then STAYED warm. On Sunday it was a whopping 85 degrees inside. We may have stoked the fire a little too much.

The weather was really nice. My mom and I took turns pulling Jolynn in her sled that my parents made. It had another coat of lacquer on it, so it was ready for the wet snow. Jolynn is much bigger than the last time she was in it and can now hold on to the side rails. We weren't going too crazy so she didn't have to buckle up.

My parents just recently had electricity installed. They had gas everything before (stove, oven, fridge, lights). We pretty much only used the stove and oven. Since light was by candle or lantern, bedtime was usually as soon as the sun went down. Things are a little different when you have electricity. It is still a "cabin", so there is no TV and cell service is minimal. It is great for playing games and reading however. Since they now have electricity they also installed a new fridge. This weekend was the first weekend for turning it on. Apparently the temp gauge was not working properly (fridge worked fine) or my mom got some bad meat from Cub. We were supposed to have ribs for New Year's Eve dinner. When I cut open the package the meat smelled really rancid. We ended up going down to Jack's Shack (great bar/restaurant) and ordering dinner to go.

It was a great weekend. I hope we can go back again, maybe when there is a little more snow.