Sunday, January 18, 2009

Waz Up?

So haven't posted in a while because really there isn't a whole lot going on. It is very cold so we haven't been doing anything outside. When we had one warm day last week we went outside and played Polly in the middle. If we missed catching the ball and she got it she would get really excited. Having her run back and forth between us really pooped her out.

Since I was laid off for two weeks during the holidays, we have been conserving money a bit to make sure we have bills paid before I start getting a paycheck again (not until next week). We asked for money for Christmas to help offset the no paycheck deal. We should be fine, just a pain. I really want to be working on the craft room and bathroom downstairs since it is cold outside and we can't really do any yard work with all the snow :) With cutting back on spending it also cut into house projects.

Other than the above we really haven't done anything. Been playing World of Warcraft ALOT. Staying up very late (as you can see by the time of this post). Mike and Margaret just got back from Phoenix and Vegas, so tomorrow (today) we are going to go visit them and bring Polly to play with Jay and Elsa.

1 comment:

Jodi said...

Hey-how about an update on Elsa?