Wednesday, December 23, 2009


So I noticed some mice poop on the counters in the kitchen. I thought it was because the kitchen was dirty. I cleaned everything and dissinfected everything. No mice for a while. Then I find a chunk of cookie with the chocolate in the center scratched down. Apparently my favorite cookie (the peanut butter kind with the hershey kiss in the center) is also the mouse's favorite cookie. I was then wondering how the cookie got to be on the counter because everything was cleaned up. The mouse had chewed through the plastic covering the plate, ate the cookie partially inside and then pulled it through the small hole. I had to throw the whole plate of cookies away. This meant war. I put the traps out...with peanut butter. One by the sink and one next to the stove. This morning, the one next to the sink was moved and peanut butter was eaten but not set off. The one next to the stove was on the floor, peanut butter eaten, and set off. Nothing caught but a little fur. I didn't want to have to resort to poison, but they leave me no choice if they are going to be smarter than the traps.


Jodi said...

Get one that you don't have to see the critter! EW! Good luck.

erin said...

Eeeewwwww! I'm sure it's not because your kitchen was/is dirty. You guys were working on your deck, which probably gave the little mices ample opportunity to make themselves at home.

Unknown said...

UPDATE: since this post, we have caught 3 mice with the traps. I just needed to adjust the peanut butter farther back in the trap.

Unknown said...

I think we had a family of 4 and were able to kill them before they multiplied. Haven't seen one in weeks.