Monday, November 15, 2010

Four Months

This month has gone by so fast. With Jolynn being in daycare now, it's a few days there, a few days with Jon, and then we have our weekend together. We have stayed home the last few weekends because of nasty weather, but otherwise have gone to visit Grandma and Grandpa Moritz. My parent's have been up at their cabin trying to get it ready for winter. This past weekend was their first weekend back - but I think mostly because Georgia (their dog) was hit by a car and needs constant supervision because she won't wear her cone.

Jolynn has been trying so hard at the rolling deal. She is really good at holding her head up and she does the push up when we initially put her on her stomach. She is still her most talkative in the morning. I love it. It is so hard to get ready for work once she is awake. I guess that is why I get up 2 hours before I have to leave. That way I get everything I have to do out of the way before she even wakes up and then I have more time to coo with her.

She just found her feet the other day. It was very funny. She stared at them for a long time and flexed her feet, then wiggled her toes. Then she would stop and do it again. The look on her face was hilarious.

We have found that she is using her burp cloth like a blankie. Also very cute.
Best so far...she found her thumb! She still uses the paci, but the thumb finds it's way if the paci falls out.

I haven't been pumping enough to keep up with her feedings. She is anywhere from 5-7 oz. So we started her on formula about 3 weeks ago. We mix 2 parts BM to 1 part formula. Since starting the formula she has been more productive in the pooping department. Sometimes going 3 times a day - but the smell is so much worse than when she was only on BM. She is also sleeping longer since being on formula. Anywhere from 5-7 hours. Her first sleep session is usually from 6 or 7pm until midnight. Then she used to get up at 4am, but has been sleeping until 5 sometimes.

She is also grasping. I saw her the other day swat at the mobile on her vibrating chair. Both Grandmas have a rattle that has two thin bands for a handle. It is the perfect size for her to grasp on to. She already whacked herself in the head causing a little crying, but she was okay after Mommy kissed it of course. She is also following objects from side to side.

She has moved on to 0-3 month clothing. Most of the clothes that say 3 month still don't fit her. All those cute onesies with feet still don't fit her. She has two that zip up and they are the only ones that fit her feet.

She absolutely amazes me every morning. I go to get her and I swear she has grown another inch and gained another pound.

We hear about other kids that were born around the same time as Jolynn or later and they have been reaching milestones quicker than her. I know not to judge her progress on others - she is an individual. She has a little friend (lots of friends actually at daycare); her little friend at daycare is Avery. They are about 6 months apart. They lay together on the floor and interact. I hope by this interaction that Jolynn will learn quicker; like having a big sister.

She has her 4 month check up next week, more shots. I weighed her this past Sunday and she was 10lb 7oz! She's more of a pumpkin than a peanut now :)

1 comment:

Margaret said...

She is so cute! Thanks for the update - I miss you guys.