Friday, May 18, 2012

22 months

CRAZY! I've stopped saying how many months Jolynn is when people ask.  I just say almost two.  I have to watch myself when I do things with her or tell her to do something, expecting that she will be able to do it.  She acts older than I think so I often have to remind myself that she isn't even 2 yet.  Like with potty training.  We have been letting her take the reigns on this one.  I didn't want to push it and everyone has told me that she is pretty young for it anyway.  This last week she has been going before bed and when she wakes up.  The other day she went 4 times on the big toilet.  At daycare, Mary was able to get her to go once also.  We are pretty busy the next 3 weekends, so full blown potty training isn't going to start until mid June.  I'm pretty sure she will be fully trained (fingers crossed) before she is 2.  My mom and I went shopping and she bought training pants - the kind that are like underwear but thicker (more absorbent than regular underwear).  Jolynn gets very excited when she doesn't have to wear a diaper.

Other than potty training, there hasn't been any big news.  She talks ALL.THE.TIME. And loves to sing and dance.  Choppy sentences are starting to form.

Here are a few photos from a recent session through my work (Lifetouch).

1 comment:

Jodi said...

Love that sweet girl!

Good luck with potty training. We haven't gotten far with Bee.