Monday, February 11, 2008

The Proposal

Friday I went to art class with Jodi. We thought the boys were just playing video games while we were working. Not so much. When we got home Jodi and Brian had to go to birthing class, so Jon and I were going to go to dinner. Jon wanted to stop at the hotel to drop something off. When we walked in there were these beautiful flowers. Then he said to go in the bedroom. I had to walk across the room to turn on the light. When I turned around, on the bed was a bouquet of roses and then I looked and Jon and he was down on one knee. He asked me to marry him and I said yes. Then he told me to sit down because I looked weak in the knees. Honestly I was, but I also couldn't sit still either. I started calling as many people that I had numbers for saved in my phone. His parents knew because they were hiding the ring. My parents knew because he went and asked for their blessing (which they gave). After all my calls we went to dinner at Mi Cosina. I love this restaurant. We went to Target and I bought 2 wedding magazines. Then we met up with Jodi and Brian again. Jodi helped me go through the mags cutting out ideas. Jon is so hands on with the whole wedding planning. I love it. A lot of the ideas for music, attire, location have all come from him. He even thought of this-he got some bath stuff from Target and an extra bag of rose petals and then put this together.Stay tuned for more details...

1 comment:

Carrie A said...

Wow! My husband has never drawn me a rose petal/candlelight bubble bath! Hang on to this one!