A jam packed day considering the weather. I was up at 5:30 for an oil change in Burnsville at 6:45. The weather was crazy. No snow, then white out. A little over an hour for the oil change and another hour later for driving, I was back to the house.
My mom met me there and helped get the upstairs picked up so we could tear out the carpet. The air duct cleaner was supposed to be there between 11 and 2. His job before us was in Bloomington, so with the weather he ended up at our place at 2. It turned out well for us. My mom and I finished prep on the kitchen-so that is ready to paint. Then Olaf came over and we scored the carpet so it was ready to be rolled up.
When the air duct guy came he was really nice and did about $200 worth of work for free. Every time he would come up he would say "usually this service is not included in what you purchased, but since I'm here and you're my last stop of the day, I'll just do it anyway". Then we had some repairs that were needed on the furnace-small, but still he could have charged, but he didn't. We had a special disinfectant sprayed in the ducts. Normally they use a small bottle and charge $89-this is for the Level 1 stuff. He used the Level 2, which is normally by the ounce, and only charged $65. I felt really bad that he was throwing in all this extra work and not charging, so I tipped him $50. He tried to not take it, but I insisted since he put in so much extra work. The air quality did seem a lot better after he was done.
He left and so did my mom. Olaf and I started tearing out the carpet. By the time Jon got home we had all the carpet out and were working on the padding. He was just in time to take out staples! YAY!
We got all that done, Mike, Margaret, and Nate showed up with food. Break time!
Margaret locked herself back in the bathroom scraping wallpaper and cleaning up for Mike to spackle more tomorrow. The rest of us tackled the main room upstairs. Jon, Nate and Olaf finished the prep in the two rooms upstairs-so they will be ready for paint tomorrow also. Mike and I started painting the main room, then everyone else joined in. We were done by 11:30 or so. Tomorrow should be a breeze. The main room is the hardest room because it is so big and there is the vaulted ceiling to deal with in the entry way.
I didn't take any photos today, but will get some tomorrow.