Friday, March 14, 2008

Day 1

We finally did it. We are home owners! It took a while to do the signing because we kept talking with our loan officer (Shelly) and our realtor (Darbi). After an hour and only 1/3 of the papers signed the closer said we had to stop talking and get to signing because she had another appointment at 3:30. Darbi offered to buy lunch for anyone helping move next Saturday. She is going to stop over and if there is anymore work also pitch in on that.

Today we painted the ceiling in the kitchen and dining room and our room. Mike and Bumby were patching holes. My mom was cleaning and painting. Margaret was painting, scraping popcorn ceiling from the bathroom, and peeling wallpaper from the dining room. Olaf came over later in the day and helped take down wallpaper also. I painted the ceiling in our room and peeled wallpaper. Jon was helping his dad install the toilets, but found out that one was cracked (manufacturers fault). So he took that back to Menards-turns out they were on sale this week so we ended up getting a credit! Then Mike was installing the toilet downstairs and when he flushed it didn't go down. He went in the back room by the washer and dryer and noticed the sewer was backed up. Now we have to call Roto-Rooter tomorrow.

A lot of progress was made on day 1-my sore back is proof of it. Here are some first looks:


Carrie A said...

Congratulations! Welcome back to home ownership!

Jodi said...

Looking great! Can't wait to see it in a few weeks.