Monday, June 15, 2009

Undone Projects

I had thought about writing about all the projects around the house that are half done. I was to the point where we could not destroy one more thing without fixing something first.

We started with my craft room needing an egress window to make it a legal bedroom, that room is now the storage room for the downstairs bathroom parts.

The downstairs bathroom was completely gutted one weekend and has sat there ever since. We can't finish this project because we need to get the furnace replaced before the walls can go back up.

The deck is slightly leaning both forward and to the side - not the safest, so we planned on replacing that. Wood was on sale a while ago so that was purchased and now sits in the middle of the backyard. The dads (Mike and Bumby) have spent last weekend and will be back this week - so far the new footings are in and one corner is raised. I took this picture with the camera level.

The front yard - since getting the notice from the police department that many houses have been broken into on our block- has been completely redone, the rock has been removed. A co-worker's husband does landscaping so we asked him to come out and give an estimate on leveling off the yard, bringing up the grade on the house, and putting down seed. He thought he wouldn't get to it until late August or September. I was called last week - he had a cancellation and wondered if he could do it this past weekend. Not a problem. So one project somewhat done - we just have to make sure the grass grows or we will have a big mud pit for a front yard.

Last projects are tiling the entryway and the back-splash in the kitchen. Thought I had some time on this one also. Jodi was going to come during the summer - thought that was going to be in July. Turns out she had an interview at a Hudson school (YAY!!!) Tuesday. So they are in town this week and we started doing the back-splash. One third done. The tile didn't work exactly as the salesman said it would. Some broke very think, some splintered, and some the hammer made perfect holes in and nothing else. I will try and bring those back as well as show them the differences in thickness. They knew I was doing a mosaic and said this would work for it.

Stay tuned for more updates on the deck, yard, and backsplash - the other projects, who knows.


erin said...

It's looking good! Keep going! Keep going!

Jodi said...

That was so fun. Too bad I'm not close-yet!

Unknown said...

I need you here for motivation. Since you left I have only done 1/2 a wall. I'm procrastinating on the part behind the stove because it is hard to get to.