Tuesday, June 17, 2008


Yesterday evening a man stopped by to give us an offer on a home security system so that was installed last night.

This morning Jon set the alarm when he left. When I got home I thought I would try the key fob to deactivate the alarm first. As I entered the house the alarm went off. I figured I was too far away for the key fob to work. So I immediately turned off the alarm with my code. I took Polly outside, came back in and Polly headed straight to the front door. I noticed it opened a little. I looked outside and Jon was not home. Who was trying to get in the house? I looked out the door window-it was the police. When I was outside with Polly the alarm company called my phone to make sure everything was okay. I didn't answer, so they called the police.

Things we learned from this:
1) Jon set the alarm for instant, which means the alarm had no delay for me to turn it off.
2) I shouldn't leave my phone in the house when I go outside.
3) Security company has a very helpful technical service line.
4) Brooklyn Park police have great response time.


Dave Allen said...

Hey, been there - done that. The enterence from our driveway is on delay where all others are instant. Hope all is well :-)

Jodi said...

lol, live and learn!

Carrie A said...

Holy moly!!

Nana Jo said...

We have a different alarm system in this house than the last. Dick set the alarm as he left for work one day when my sister and I were still home. Sandra got up and the alarm went off. We discovered you cannot set this alarm leaving when someone is still in the house because it automatically sets the interior alarms. I didn't know how to call the alarm company. They had the wrong phone number, needless to say, the police came and I had some explaining to do! Just remember, most cities have a limit to the false alarm calls and start charging you after 2 or 3.