Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Free Dog

The past three days Polly has gotten into something that is edible. Two of the times it wasn't her fault, we should have known better. But today didn't make sense.
Day One: she took the foil from the recycling (it had the burgers in it from the BBQ) - our fault.
Day Two: she got up on the dining room table and slurped up the beef broth that was in a crock pot and ate a bowl of potato chips - again, our fault.
Day Three (today): she chewed up an empty container that once held dog treats. Then while I'm in the bathroom (maybe 2 minutes!), she went into the garbage in the bedroom and took out a plate.

At first I thought the incidences were because she is hungry or bored because we aren't home. But then to come out of the bathroom and find her doing it again. I really have had enough. I feel bad about it, but I think we will have to start locking her up when at work again. I don't know if this will help her "acting out" while we are home as well.

She was doing so well.

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