Friday, April 30, 2010

Deck Done?

Or so I thought...

Mike came over on two separate days to finish the deck pieces that the inspectors had issues with. One day was spent fixing the steps so they were all 6 1/4 inches - really, we measured them. The next day, him and Jon installed the hand rail. The inspector came by today...


I'm not going to say anymore - I'm too upset. I'm ready to tell Brooklyn Park to bite me.

We didn't fix one of the items that was on the previous inspection record - making the stair stringers less than 12" apart. All we had to do was put some blocks between each to make the distance shorter. We fixed the railing, but they still don't approve of it. I don't know why they are being so picky.

It looks like a perfectly good railing to me.

1 comment:

erin said...

Oh my goodness. I'd complain to a manager if I were you. This is getting ridiculous.