Sunday, August 8, 2010

Live and Learn

Need I say more? The shirt says it all.

Jolynn is 3 weeks old today. I can't believe she has been home for two weeks already. Time really is flying by. The first few days of 4 hour feedings I knew days were going to go by quickly. Every time I hold her in my arms as she falls asleep I wish I had my camera strapped to my wrist. She makes the funniest faces as she sleeps. She has been staying awake more after feedings, but mostly in and out of slumber because her pacifier falls out. We started breastfeeding again and Jon bottle feeds when he is home. I've stock-piled a bin of milk in the freezer downstairs (over 100 oz) and almost have another bin filled upstairs.

We had our doctor visit a couple days after she was brought home and they told us we didn't need to come back until she was 2 months. I found this a little strange since she is a preemie. Babycenter and the hospital told us that she should be fine as long as she doesn't present a fever over 100.4, her outtake is normal, and she keeps gaining weight. So far all those things are good. She has had a few episodes of projectile vomit. Almost all the times we knew why it happened. Live and learn. She tends to have a few episodes of spitting up when she gets the hiccups, so we started giving her .5ml of Gripe Water when she has hiccups. They go away instantly. Now she has been bearing down a lot like she has to poop, but nothing comes out. When she eats (and sometimes at rest) she has a lot of gurgling in her stomach/intestines. When she scrunches up sometimes I hear her fart, so I figure it is gas. I started giving her .3ml of Mylicon - that worked really well. She slept for almost 4 hours and there were no gurgling noises when she ate next. Hopefully it will give her some relief.

Jolynn had her first outing this past Tuesday for National Night Out. It was fun to bring her out in the stroller. She slept the whole time, but we still got out of the house (even if it was only a block down the road). I would love to go on more walks with her, but it has been sooo hot. 90+ every day and will be for the next week. Maybe in September.

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