Thursday, August 12, 2010


I am learning each time we go out. First time out we went to National Night Out - luckily only 1 block away. Didn't think we would be staying too long because it was hot out, so I didn't bring ANY milk. Ended up staying longer and it was time for a feeding, so I walked home and heated up a bottle. Only to get back and find her fast asleep.

Today we picked up Margaret from the airport at 9:30am. We fed Jolynn at 8:00 thinking she would be good until we got to Oakdale. I packed her diaper bag with the normal stuff (diapers, wipes, extra clothes). I even packed the Gripe Water and Mylicon. Thinking that we would not be there for more than a couple hours I only packed 2 partial bottles of milk. I brought my Udder Cover to breastfeed too. Unfortunately, I forgot the nipple shield. She was not having me the old fashioned way, so Grandma Moritz fed her a bottle. Since she didn't breastfeed from me since 6am I was feeling a bit "full". I texted Naomi because they live very close and was able to use her pump. Then Jon decided he wanted to go to Mongolian and we asked Jason if he wanted to come with us. Then we had to wait for Jason to get to Oakdale. Jolynn was fed one more time - using up all the milk I had brought. After eating at Mongolian Jason had to pick up stuff from his place in Hudson. No problem, I wanted to see his place anyway. It did not end up being a short stop. Jon got on Jason's computer and started playing a test realm in World of Warcraft. Margaret texted and said she thought Jolynn was hungry again. I told Jon we had to get going.

By the time we got back to Oakdale and left for home it was 4pm - rush hour. All highways were backed up. Jon decided to take Hwy 10 home instead of 694. Jolynn got so hungry I took 20ml that was left in a container and fed that to her. She was still upset. I didn't know what else to do so I tried to hand pump myself. Yes, HAND. It kind of worked. I was able to "pump" another 20ml. We finally got home and she was still hungry so we gave her another 1/2 oz. I think I know how a cow really feels now.

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