Friday, July 17, 2009

Furnace and AC

We had some issues with our old AC leaking into the furnace. Both work fine, but eventually the furnace was going to go. Not good having water stream through it. So the guys were here at 7am sharp. Polly was locked in her cage (sorry) because the guys were going in and out and working in the back yard and inside. No safe place for her to be than in her cage.

It was a good time to get them replaced - very cool the last couple days so we haven't had the AC running. We got a good deal on it too. Xcel and Centerpoint both had rebates for energy efficient replacements. The feds are also giving up to 1500 in rebates for energy efficient home stuff. They told us if we were planning any other improvements like window replacement that we coudn't get any higher than that. One big purchase at a time thank you.

While they were working downstairs and outside, I decided to work on the kitchen back splash. I tried to install the outlets. I say try because it took me 1/2 hour to do one, and then 10 minutes to do the others. Only to discover that I had done them wrong because they didn't have any power when I tested them. Luckily there was an electrician here for the AC. He took a look at it and (if I would have not second guessed myself) was an easy fix of putting both wires into the bottom locations. I had it this way at first, but then got to the last outlet and wondered why there was a piece of tape over two of the screws. Read the directions and it said if you had 4 wires that 2 were line and 2 were load. I didn't know that! Electrician said they could both go in the line end. So I fixed the wires, turned the power back on, he tested each outlet and we were good. Tomorrow I hope to start the grout.

1 comment:

Jodi said...

Can't wait to see the pics!